Healthy Eating

Top 10 Food Items That Are Rich In Fiber

Top 10 Food Items That Are Rich In Fiber

Primafacie, we would like to tell you some basic information about fiber. Some of you know about the importance of fiber in our body. It is very helpful in digestion and absorption of food. Each and every food you eat which contains fiber helps in removing out waste from the human body, and it also led to proper digestion and absorption of food.

A plant-based diet is rich in fiber. Dairy product, poultry based, animal based food does not contain fiber. Typically fibers are of two types:-

  • Soluble fiber.
  • Insoluble fiber.

Their deficiency can cause too many health problems like Constipation. If a person is taking less fiber diet, then he/she can face this issue very quickly. They may be taking most of the poultry food or dairy food or animal based food and are not making whole grain food. The other main disease a human can face is diabetes. If your food has fibers, then it does not let your insulin spike.

Now, how much and which food items you have to take to get fibers?

The answer to this question will be answered one by one. First of all, check out the list of food items down below:

Top 10 Food items rich in fiber.

#1 Yellow Lentil

It contains dietary fiber in great extent. Like, in a single cup, these almost contain 10-12gm of dietary fiber. These also contain other nutrients and minerals like Protein, Iron, Folate, Manganese and Phosphorous.

#2 Black Lentil

Similar to the yellow lentils, these also include the same amount of fiber in them and also similar add-on nutrients and minerals.

#3 Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are named after their resemblance to the shape of a kidney. These almost contain 4-5gm of dietary fiber. These also include other essential items such as Vitamin A, b, C sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

#4 Chick Peas

These are also rich in fibers, and a small cup of chickpeas contains approximately 5-6gm of dietary fibers. Chickpeas are taken by almost everyone, especially in India. These also contain so many nutrients and minerals like Protein, Copper, Folate, Manganese, Omega-6 fatty acids, Omega-3 fatty acids.

#5 Brown Rice

Now the other items that come in our list are brown rice. A small cup of brown rice contains around 5gm of dietary fiber.

#6 Oat Meal

You can have oatmeal daily in your breakfast. Now, what do these contains? These contain magnesium, niacin, omega three fatty acids, potassium, calcium and soluble fiber. .All, these nutrients and fibers present in it are crucial to our health. In a small cup of that, it contains around 4-5gm of fibers.

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#7 Whole Wheat

These also include other essential things which are also needed for our body like Iron (13%), Vitamin B-6 (15%) and Magnesium(19%). In 100 gm of whole wheat, you can easily get 7gm of dietary fiber.

#8 Whole Grain Bowls of cereal

This is also the primary source of protein; you can get around 5-6gm of fiber from a small cup of these. Only the whole grain cereals must be taken.

#10 Whole Grain Pasta

Now, a small cup these contain around 3-4gm of dietary fiber and among this, you can get carbs and protein also.

 #11 Fruits and vegetables

Food Items Rich In Fiber

Apple, grape, oranges, bananas, strawberries contain around 3-4gm of dietary fiber along with other nutrients and protein.  Along with the entire listed item, you have to drink at least 3-4 liter of water a day. Because soluble fiber absorb water if you drink less water than waste would not come out from your body

You must introduce plant food in your diet. Now, we have told you about the types of food items; now we will demonstrate that in how much quantity you have to take:-

  • For Men- 35gm a day.
  • For women: 25gm a day.

So, that’s all from Top 10 Food items rich in fiber. Stay tuned for more stuff like this.

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