Cholesterol is that medical condition which is almost there in every family in some of the countries like India. This also refers to a heart problem, because as the heart contains heart blood vessels. When those heart vessels get blocked, or some clots are formed in them, then there are huge chances of getting a heart attack. It is all due to bad cholesterol.
Also Read: Top 10 Food Items That Are Rich In Fiber
Here below are the some of the types of the cholesterol:
1) Bad Cholesterol
In cholesterol, there is LDL-Low density lipoprotein which is known as bad cholesterol. It must be less than 100 in your body.
- Safe zone: <100
- Border-Line: 100-140.
- High Risk: >160
2) Good cholesterol
HDL-high density lipoprotein.
- Safe zone: >40.
- High Risk: <40
3) Triglyceride
This is the third type of cholesterol.
- Safe zone: <150
- Border-Line: 150-200.
- High Risk: >200
The ratio of all the three must be balanced collectively. Now, how much cholesterol should a person take in one day?
- Safe zone: <200
- Border-Line: 200-240.
- High Risk: >240
In the case of high cholesterol, what diet should a person take?
Nutrition is the best medication for healing this problem. The cholesterol problem is all due to bad food. So, we have to change our diet. Here below is the list of food items that you must eat:
Foods to Eat:
- Meat: Eggs, Chicken, Fish
- Whole Grain: Bread, Pasta, Cereal.
- Nuts: Walnut, almond, peanut, cashew.
- Seeds: Flaxseed, Sesame, chia seeds,
- Dairy Products: All must be low fat.
- Beans and peas
- Fruits blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, pears, melon, grapefruit, apple
- Brown Rice
- Whole Wheat Chapati.
- Sweet Potato
Fiber rich food
To reduce the bad cholesterol, fiber rich food should be taken. It includes lentils: yellow lentil, black lentils, chickpeas, brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain cereals, whole wheat, oatmeal, some fruits and vegetables like Apples, oranges, grape, strawberries contains fiber contents, which intern is helpful in reducing the bad cholesterol level.
Protein rich food
You can also opt for plant-based proteins like lentils or beans such as white beans, red beans or black beans. These are also rich in other nutrients and minerals along with protein that helps in lowering of low-density cholesterol or bad cholesterol from the body. Along with these, you can also take nuts, and seed like cashews and any other unsalted nuts, because salt increases the blood pressure.
Other0 than food items
Along with eating some types of food items, you can also go for some weight loss. You must also take food items that contain less fat, either good or bad fat food. This can lead to prevention, for more other diseases like heart attack, strokes, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer. So, you must lose some body weight also.
Limit fat intake
To reduce cholesterol levels, you must reduce fat intake in our body, whether it is saturated fat, good fat or trans-fat. Because these increases the cholesterol level and other things like whole eggs, dairy food, organ meats, etc
List of items that you should avoid:
- Fried food: Do not take any cooked food. The oil present in the fried food increases the bad cholesterol. Say, strict no for fried food.
- Potatoes: It contains fat, so it should not be taken. To reduce cholesterol quickly, we have to reduce fat intake.
- Sweets: As sweets spikes, the insulin level and intern increase the blood pressure. So, no to any sugar sweets.
- Soft Drinks: Similarly, soft drinks contains an enormous amount of sugar content. Similar to sweets it also increases the blood pressure by spiking the insulin levels of our body.
- These all the things should also not to be taken:
whole meat
So, at last, we would like to say that, we should focus more on our diet or nutrition because nutrition is everything to the human body. To prevent yourself from any disease, you must take food rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. That’s all about the do,’ and don’t to reduce cholesterol level quickly from the body. For more health tips Stay Connected: )